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Networking, Server, Storage, Cloud, Data Backup & Recovery Solution

  Network Solutions

We recognize that technology moves fast. We focus on helping your business stay up-to-date with the latest IT solutions. We specialize in designing, implementing, and managing technology, communication, and security solutions for businesses of all sizes, healthcare providers, and all branches of the U.S. government. Whether you need all of your IT managed or you’re looking for a supplement to an understaffed IT department, our integrated team of consultants and network engineers can tailor a solution that delivers the most effective results for YOUR business.

NEOSYSWORLD Network Solutions provides all of the benefits of an internal IT department for a fraction of the price of staffing one yourself. We reduce the business impact of IT failures by minimizing their occurrence, and any unforeseen issues are dealt with as a priority.

All aspects of your network are covered: Security, Data Protection, Software, Hardware and Connectivity.

Total IT Support for a Fixed Monthly Cost
Backups & Data Protection
Desktop, Server and Network Support
Anti-Virus and Security
Auditing and Compliance
Mobile Device Management
Server Virtualization
Voice and Data Cabling
Internet & WAN Connectivity
Hardware and Software Sales
  Power Automation

Measurement & Verification Solutions allow you to monitor, manage, and optimize energy usage, reducing overall energy costs. These solutions transform energy data into valuable information that can be used to analyze and understand how your energy is utilized.

NEOSYSWORLD’s POWER Automation solutions for the protection of mission-critical power include:

Auto-source transfer
Protective devices integration
Load shedding

Our understanding of your business is key to providing you with the optimal system architecture. We supply the complete solution, from architecture to life cycle support.

Power Automation integration solutions offer many benefits to industrial power system users:

NEOSYSWORLD’s POWER Automation solutions for the protection of mission-critical power include:

Operational efficiency